Were your expectations and the reality in terms of your second year experience similar or different? Please be as specific as possible.
My expectations were very close to the reality. After my freshman year I expected that classes will get a little bit tougher and my role inside the team may slightly change as well. As of international student, I had to take some courses that were and still are mandatory for students coming from other countries. Which gave the opportunity to meet new people from all over the world. However, those courses were easier because many international students did not speak English very well. Hockey wise elevated as well as school and the reason is that coaching staff and teammates do not take you as a first-year player, which means that there is no room for mistakes or lack of attitude.
What were the biggest lessons you have learned over the past year?
The biggest lesson I learned over the past year or two is for sure that I am responsible for everything I do or don’t do. There are no more excuses for failing exams or having a bad game to parents. All athlete students are responsible for passing courses, so they are allowed to play their sport.
Has your academic interest changed or evolved anyhow from before you started school?
My academic interest has not changed since the beginning. I chose Liberal studies as my major because I believe that the core courses will give me a strong foundation in the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences that will help me draw connections and develop a comprehensive worldview.
Has your game developed during the year? In what way do you see that the most?
Yes, I can literally feel that my game is developing throughout the year. The reason is that coaches work with each player individually to become their best. Everyone has something that needs to work on, for example, skating, shot, or stickhandling… For myself it has always been skating and footwork.
What has been the best thing about last year?
The best thing about last year was that when we made it to Frozen Four. We as a team had a great relationship between us and we trusted in each other on the ice. I believe that we beat more talented teams than us just because we are family and we play together as a team, not individuals.
What has been the hardest thing about last year?
The hardest thing about last year was COVID restrictions. The amount of testing and making sure that we all are eligible to play was uncountable. Also, I missed playing in front of fans because they always elevate the game.
What are your expectations going towards your third year (academics, athletics, or anything else)?
My expectations for the upcoming year are very similar to what I said for my sophomore year. I expect that classes will get harder, so I will need to spend more time studying. However, hockey expectations are as same as last year because we have almost the same team.
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